Auxilia no controle dos sintomas da menopausa e da TPM, tem efeito importante para a restauração da libido sexual. Apresenta uma ação olfativa relaxante e reconfortante.
Confere brilho, maciez aveludada e hidratação à pele e aos cabelos.
Óleo Essencial Ylang-Ylang WNF - 5ml
SKU: PWOE00097
Use on the body: can be applied in massages and baths. on the body, we suggest diluting it in WNF Wheat Germ Vegetable Oil. on hair, dilute in Avocado or Jojoba WNF Vegetable Oils.
Use in the environment: in diffusers, it creates an atmosphere of romanticism and seduction. It can be combined with Sweet Orange and Grapefruit essential oils to make the aroma even more appealing.